Okay, so, I’ve been thinking about this thing with my cats, right? Why some of them just don’t dig being picked up and cuddled. I’ve got three furballs at home – Mittens, Shadow, and Patches. Mittens is a cuddle monster, Shadow’s a bit of a grump, and Patches, well, he’s somewhere in between.

I started by just watching them. You know, like a weirdo cat spy. I noticed that Shadow, the one who hates being held, is also the most independent. He’s always off doing his own thing, exploring the highest shelves, and basically ignoring us unless food is involved. Mittens, on the other hand, is always underfoot, begging for attention, purring like a tiny motor.
My Little Experiment
Then I decided to get a bit more “scientific” about it. I made a little chart – yeah, I know, nerdy. I tracked how each cat reacted when I tried to pick them up. I did this like, five times a day for a week. Sounds crazy, but I was determined to figure this out.
- Mittens: Always purred, climbed up my shoulder, basically melted into a puddle of fluff.
- Shadow: Instant hissing, tried to escape, and once even gave me a little scratch. Ouch.
- Patches: Sometimes okay with it, sometimes not. He’d tolerate it for a few seconds, then wriggle free.
After all that, I realized a few things. First off, it’s probably just their personalities. Shadow is a loner, a rebel, a furry little outlaw. He doesn’t need our cuddles, he’s got his own agenda. Mittens is the opposite, a total lovebug.
I also figured that their past experiences might play a role. I got Mittens as a tiny kitten, so she’s used to being handled. Shadow and Patches were older when I adopted them, so who knows what they went through before.
So, what did I learn from my week of cat-lifting and chart-making? Basically, cats are like people. Some like hugs, some don’t. It’s all about respecting their boundaries and giving them love in the way they want it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go give Mittens a cuddle. Shadow can have the top shelf to himself.